Basic JAVA#

In this module, you will learn:

  • Operations for primitive data types & type conversions - 对原始数据类型和类型转换的操作

  • String class and operations for String - 字符串类和对字符串的操作

  • Formatted console output - 格式化的控制台输出

  • Handling command line inputs/arguments - 处理命令行输入/参数

  • Reading console input using the Scanner class - 使用Scanner类读取控制台输入

“A computer terminal is not some clunky old television with a typewriter in front of it. It is an interface where the mind and body can connect with the universe and move bits of it about.” ~ Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

“计算机终端不是一些笨重的老电视,前面有一台打字机。它是一个**的界面,在这里,身心可以与宇宙连接,并将它的碎片移动。” ~ 道格拉斯-亚当斯,最无害的

基本的数据类型 - Primitive Data Types#


数字类型 - Number Types#

int number1 = 10;
int number2 = 3;
int result = number1 + number2;


public class NumberPlay {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int number1 = 10;
        int number2 = 3;
        int addition = number1 + number2;
        int subtraction = number1 - number2;
        int multiplication = number1 * number2;
        int division = number1 / number2;
        int modulo = number1 % number2;
        System.out.println("Addition: " + number1 + " + " + number2 + " = " + addition);
        System.out.println("Subtraction: " + number1 + " - " + number2 + " = " + subtraction);
        System.out.println("Multiplication: " + number1 + " * " + number2 + " = " + multiplication);
        System.out.println("Division: " + number1 + " / " + number2 + " = " + division);
        System.out.println("Modulo: " + number1 + " % " + number2 + " = " + modulo);
Addition: 10 + 3 = 13
Subtraction: 10 - 3 = 7
Multiplication: 10 * 3 = 30
Division: 10 / 3 = 3
Modulo: 10 % 3 = 1


public class Division {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        float number1 = 10;
        float number2 = 3;
        float properDivision = number1 / number2;

        System.out.println("Division: " + number1 + " / " + number2 + " = " + properDivision);
Division: 10.0 / 3.0 = 3.3333333


<     : less than
<=    : less than or equal to
>     : greater than
>=    : greater than or equal to
==    : equal to
!=    : not equal to


Both of these are so-called ‘short-circuit’ operations, i.e., the second operand is only evaluated if necessary.

这两种操作都是所谓的 “短路 “操作,,第二个操作数只有在必要时才被评估。

&& (AND)    : is true if both operands are true
|| (OR)     : is true if either operand is true
 ! (NOT)    : is true if its operand is false

增加增减 - Increments and Decrements#

There are two types of increments and decrements: pre and post. The pre-increment is a special expression that increments a number before returning the incremented value. 有两种类型的增量和减量:前和后。pre-increment是一个特殊的表达式,在返回增量值之前对一个数字进行增量。Pre-Decrement的工作原理与此类似,只是它在返回一个数字之前将其减去。

数据结构的转换 - Type Conversions#

byte > short > int > long > float > double

Primitive operations generally work on operands of the same type. Java can, however, convert types automatically if the operands have different types. A widening conversion converts a number to a wider type so the value can always be converted successfully:


public class Conversion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 5;
        long y = 10;
        float z = 20;
15; 25.0


The char type is a special case. While it technically is not an int it is an integral type, i.e., it is considered to be a whole number that can be converted to and from other integral types:


public class Conversion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        char c = 'J';
        long y = 10;

output: 84

优先级和关联性 - Precedence and Associativity#





字符串形式 - The String Type#

String is a class type, not a primitive type, so strings are objects. A string constant is specified by enclosing it in double-quotes(“”)


String s = "Hello World!";

Using a backslash () allows you to include double-quotes and other special characters (e.g., % and ) in a string:


public class StringPlay {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("He said a \"backslash (\\) is special!\"");
He said a "backslash (\) is special!"


// \n for a new line and \t for a tab character.

public class StringPlay {
    public static void main(String[] args) {


Two strings can be appended using +, an operation also called concatenation. If either operand is a string, the + operation will convert the other operand into a string:

两个字符串可以用 “+”来相加,这种操作也叫连接。如果任何一个操作数是一个字符串,那么+操作将把另一个操作数转换成一个字符串。

public class StringPlay {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // simple concatenation
        System.out.println("Hello " + "String!");

        // conversion
        int x = 1;
        System.out.println("x = " + x);

        // can you figure what happens here?
        System.out.println("x + x = " + x + x);
Hello String!
x = 1
x + x = 11
public class StringPlay {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String s = "A piece of string walks into a bar...";
        // returns length of the string
        System.out.println("String length: " + s.length());

        // returns ALL UPPER CASE version of the string
        System.out.println("All upper case: " + s.toUpperCase());

        // s.substring(i, j) returns the substring of s from character i through j-1, counting the first char at 0
        System.out.println("A substring: " + s.substring(0, 17));

        // string comparison: returns true two strings are identical
        System.out.println("String comparison: " + s.equals("something else"));
        // note: do not use ==, <, >, >=, or <= to compare strings

        // you can retrieve indices from strings
        System.out.println("Index of 'string': " + s.indexOf("string"));

        // TODO: find and try out two more string operations here:


string.length() // 获得字符串的长度
string.toUpperCase() // 把字符串里的字母字符都变成大写
string.substring(i, j) // 从字符串中截取片段,i索引刀j-1索引处
string.equals(anotherString) // 判断两个字符串是不是一致的

输出格式 - formatted output#

You can exert more control over string formatting using:



This so-called format-string is an ordinary string, but can contain format specifiers for each argument you pass in:


double average = 5.0;
System.out.printf("Average: %5.2f", average);

A format specifier begins with % and may have a number specifying how to format the next value in the list of arguments. It ends with a letter specifying the type of the value:


String formatString = "%X.Y";

The X before the decimal point specifies the minimum number of characters to be printed.


  • The full number will be printed, even if it takes more characters than specified by X

  • If X is omitted, the value will be printed in its minimum width

  • If X is negative, the value will be left-justified, otherwise right-justified

  • 完整的数字将被打印出来,即使它所占用的字符数比X所指定的多。

  • 如果省略X,该值将以最小宽度打印。

  • 如果X为负数,该值将被左对齐,否则将被右对齐。

The Y after the decimal point specifies the number of digits of the value that are printed after the decimal point. If Y is omitted, Java decides how to format it.





public class FormatPlay {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        String s = "string";
        double pi = 3.1415926535;
        System.out.printf("\"%s\" has %d characters %n", s, s.length()); 
        System.out.printf("pi to 4 places: %.4f%n", pi); 
        System.out.printf("Right>>%9.4f<<", pi);
        System.out.printf(" Left >>%-9.4f<<%n", pi);
        System.out.printf("$%.2f", 9.99);
"string" has 6 characters 
pi to 4 places: 3.1416
Right>>   3.1416<< Left >>3.1416   <<

命令行输入 - Command Line Input#

When your program is run, you can pass it arguments through the command line. When you run the following in your console, is an argument for the javac command:


$ javac

args用来hold the value

public class HelloStranger {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello " + args[0] + "!");


$ java HelloStranger Java // 最后这个Java是赋值
Hello Java!

console 的 赋值变为 int?#

int argument = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

Quiz1: 加法由console直接赋值

//Create a program ( that takes two numbers as input, adds them, and returns the result to the console.

public class Sum {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //TODO: your code goes here
        int x = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        int y = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);


Interactive programs allow users to provide input while they are running. To read in user input from the console, Java provides the Scanner class. To use it, you will need to import the class by adding the following line to the top of your program code.


import java.util.Scanner;
//You need to create a Scanner object that is linked to your program's input stream:
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

//Now we can use the keyboard object to read input from the command line as follows:
String line = keyboard.nextLine();


import java.util.Scanner;

public class ScannerPlay {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Please enter your name: ");
        String name = keyboard.nextLine();
        System.out.println("Hello " + name + "!");

读取用户输入 - Scanner#

1. import java.util.Scanner; // 导入java library 包
2. Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // 创建Scanner object 赋值给变量keybaord
3. String inputContent = keyboard.nextLine(); // newLine获取键盘输入
You can use the following Scanner methods to read in particular chunks or variable types:

keyboard.nextLine(): reads the entire line, including the newline character
keyboard.nextLine(): 读取整个行,包括换行符 reads in one word as a String读入一个单词,作为一个字符串。

keyboard.nextInt(): reads in a number and converts it to int
keyboard.nextInt(): 读取一个数字并将其转换为int

keyboard.nextDouble(): reads in a number and converts it to double
keyboard.nextDouble(): 读入一个数字并将其转换为双数

The above methods skip over any whitespace (spaces, tabs, and newlines) and read one 'word' at a time. You will notice an error is thrown if the user input does not match the expected type. 
上述方法跳过任何空白处(空格、制表符和换行符),一次读一个 "字"。你会注意到,如果用户的输入与预期的类型不一致,就会出现错误。

Quiz2: 交互性赋值加法

//Just like before, create a program ( that specifically asks the user for two numbers, adds them, and returns the result to the console.

// add your import statement here
import java.util.Scanner;

public class InteractiveSum {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //TODO: your code goes here
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Please enter the first number:");
      // println: 就是自动在末尾换行
        int x = keyboard.nextInt();
        System.out.print("Please enter the second number:\n");
        int y = keyboard.nextInt();
        int z = x + y;
        System.out.print("The sum of " + x + " and " + y +" is " + z + "\n");

输出 - Sout#

Printing to the terminal is rather simple - all we have to do is to call the println() method on the System.out object that the Java framework provides to us, to do so.


Methods are “actions” you can call on objects, to ask the objects to perform certain actions.

方法是你可以在对象上调用的 “行动”,以要求对象执行某些行动。

Calling the println() method, tells the System.out object to print a string to the terminal, ending with a newline character (the “return” character).

调用println()方法,告诉System.out对象向终端打印一个字符串,以换行符(即 “返回 “字符)结束。

// Calling the println() method, tells the System.out object to print a string to the terminal, ending with a newline character (the "return" character). println在最后会给换行符

public class MyProgram {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("I'm your Java program talking!");
        System.out.println("How are you?");



public class MyProgram {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		System.out.println(2 * 10);   // 20
        System.out.println(100 / 4);  // 25
        System.out.println(1 + 2);    // 3
        System.out.println(2 - 1);    // 1
        System.out.println(-1000);    // -1000



Note that by Java convention, a single white space should be placed between operators and the operands they work on. Operators that take a single operand are the exception.


Operators in Java have an order of precedence. For example, multiplication and division has precedence over addition and subtraction. Brackets can also be used to group expressions together, to clearly define which operands should belong to which operators.



public class MyProgram {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

        // The numbers we are working with.
        int firstNumber = 4;
        int secondNumber = 6;
        int thirdNumber = 10;

        // The count of the numbers.
        double count = 3;

        // Calculate the total of the numbers.
        int total = firstNumber + secondNumber + thirdNumber;

        double average = total / count;

        System.out.print("The average of the numbers are: ");



Note that variables have a type and this must be declared when the variable is first defined.


Integers (int) hold whole numbers, while doubles (double) and floats (float) hold decimal numbers. Strings (String) hold text.



One thing worth noting about division in Java (and some other programming languages), is that when dividing integers, Java will also try to return an integer.


This means that if a division of two numbers should result in a decimal part, it will simply drop the decimal part.


public class MyProgram {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

        // This will print 1 due to integer division!
		System.out.println(3 / 2);


public class MyProgram {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

        // This will print 1.5 since we are no longer doing integer
        // division - we are dividing an integer by a double, which
        // will result in a double.
		System.out.println(3 / 2.0);



Penelope has being picking up seashells and fruit all day, and is planning to go to her local store to sell her items.


Fruit sells for \(2.50 each, and seashells \)0.60 each.


Write a program which asks Penelope for the number of fruit and seashells she has, and calculates the total price that she can sell her items for.


Your program should print the first input prompt, wait for the user to enter the input, before printing the second input prompt.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class SellingItems {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO: Write your code for solving the problem here.
        System.out.println("Hello Penelope!");
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("How many fruit do you have to sell? ");
        int x = keyboard.nextInt();
        System.out.print("How many seashells do you have to sell? ");
        int y = keyboard.nextInt();
        System.out.println("You can sell those items for $" + (2.5*x+0.6*y) + "!");



Flow control#

Flow control is one of the most essential elements in programming. It provides you with tools to dynamically respond to the data and inputs your program operates on. Flow control in Java includes concepts, such as branching and looping statements. Because most branching and looping statements are controlled by Boolean expressions, we will also discuss the Java type boolean in more detail.


In this unit, you will learn about:


  1. branching mechanisms


  2. loops, and


  3. debugging.



  • if-else,

  • if,

  • and switch statements

Most branching statements are controlled by Boolean expressions. A Boolean expression evaluates to either true or false. The primitive type boolean only takes the values true or false.



An if-else statement chooses between two alternative statements based on the value of a Boolean expression.



In Java, boolean expressions must be enclosed in parentheses. If the boolean expression evaluates to true, the Yes_Statement is executed. If it evaluates to false, the No_Statement is executed. Each Yes_Statement and No_Statement branch of an if-else can be made up of a single or many statements. A branch that is made up of a list of statements is called a compound statement.

在Java中,布尔表达式必须用圆括号括起来。如果布尔表达式的值为*true,就执行Yes_Statement。如果它的值为false,*则执行No_Statement。 if-else的每个Yes_Statement和No_Statement分支可以由单个或多个语句组成。一个由一系列语句组成的分支被称为**复合语句。

// A compound statement must always be enclosed in a pair of braces ({ }). If it's just a single statement you can omit the pair of braces. It is, however, good coding practice to always include them.
// 一个复合语句必须始终用一对大括号({ })括起来。如果它只是一个单一的语句,你可以省略这对大括号。然而,良好的编码实践是总是包括它们。

public class JavaLove {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        boolean iLoveJava = true;
        int hoursSpentCodingJava = 10;

        if(iLoveJava) {
            System.out.println("Everyone loves Java!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("You will get there!");

        if(hoursSpentCodingJava > 10000) {
            System.out.println("Java L33T!");
        } else
            System.out.println("Practice leads to mastery!");
// Everyone loves Java!
// Practice leads to mastery!

Else 部分也可以不要#

// The else part of an if-else statement may be omitted to obtain what is often only called an if statement. If the Boolean_Expression is true, then the Action_Statement is executed. Otherwise, the Action_Statement is not executed and the program moves on to the next statement.

public class Salary {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int numberOfSales = 101;
        int salary = 100000;
        int bonus = 10000;

        if(numberOfSales > 100) {
            salary += bonus;
            System.out.println("Congratulations! You received a bonus!");

        System.out.println("Your salary this year: " + salary);


// output:
// Congratulations! You received a bonus!
// Your salary this year: 110000

嵌套语句 - Nested Statements#

if-else and if statements can contain single or compound statements, including other if-else and if statements. In this case, we speak of nested statements. Each level of a nested if-else or if should be indented further than the previous level to make your code readable:


public class Tax {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int income = 30000;
        int numberOfKids = 2;
        double tax = 0;

        if(income > 18201) {
            tax = income * 0.19;
            if(numberOfKids>0) {
                tax = tax - 500; //tax relief

        System.out.printf("You owe $%.2f in taxes.", tax);


// output
// You owe $5200.00 in taxes.

更复杂的if-else - Multiway if-else#

The multiway if-else statement is simply a normal if-else statement that nests another if-else statement at every else branch. The Boolean_Expressions are evaluated in the order they are written until one evaluates to true. The final else is optional.



public class Salary {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int numberOfSales = 75;
        int salary = 100000;
        int smallBonus = 2000;
        int mediumBonus = 5000;
        int bigFatBonus = 10000;

        if(numberOfSales > 200) {
            salary += bigFatBonus;
        } else if(numberOfSales > 100) {
            salary += mediumBonus;
        } else if(numberOfSales > 50) {
            salary += smallBonus;
        } else {
            System.out.println("No bonus this year. :(");

        System.out.println("Your salary this year: " + salary);



//The switch statement is the only other kind of Java statement that implements multiway branching. When a switch statement is evaluated, one of a number of different branches is executed. The choice of which branch to execute is determined by a controlling expression enclosed in parentheses after the keyword switch.


switch (Controlling_Expression)
  case Case_Label_1:
  case Case_Label_2:
  case Case_Label_n:

Beware that the controlling expression must evaluate to a char, int, short, byte or String.




!!!! 而且没加break不会提示错误 !!!!

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DayOfWeek {

	public static void main (String[] args) {
		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

        System.out.println("Enter day of the week:");
        int dayOfWeek = keyboard.nextInt();

        switch (dayOfWeek) {
            case 1:
                System.out.println("Today is Monday");

            case 2:
                System.out.println("Today is Tuesday");

            case 3:
                System.out.println("Today is Wednesday");
            case 4:
                System.out.println("Today is Thursday");
            case 5:
                System.out.println("Today is Friday");
                break; //see what happens if you remove this break statement
                System.out.println("This is not a work day");

条件操作符 - The Conditional Operator#

The conditional operator is a notational variant on certain forms of the if-else statement. It is also referred to as the ternary operator or arithmetic if:


    max = n1; 
    max = n2;


max = (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2; 

The expression to the right of the assignment operator is a conditional operator expression.

If the Boolean expression is true, the expression evaluates to the value of the first expression (n1).

Otherwise, it evaluates to the value of the second expression (n2).




循环 - Loops#

  • while

  • do-while,

  • and for statements

The code that is repeated in a loop is called the body of the loop. Each repetition of the loop body is called an iteration of the loop.



A while statement is used to repeat a portion of code (i.e., the loop body) based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression. This Boolean expression is checked before the loop body is executed. If the expression evaluates to false, the loop body is not executed at all. Before the execution of each following iteration of the loop body, the Boolean expression is checked again. If it still evaluates to true, the loop is executed again. If it evaluates to false, the loop statement ends.



while 的错误类型#

Beware the dreaded infinite or dead loop, i.e., a loop that is executed indefinitely as the Boolean expression never evaluates to false. A loop should be designed so that the value tested in the Boolean expression is changed in a way that eventually makes it false, and terminates the loop.


Another common loop error is the off-by-one error, i.e., when a loop repeats the loop body one too many or one too few times.


public class WhileDemo {
    public static void main (String[] args) {

       int count = 10;

       while(count>0) {



A do-while statement is used to execute a portion of code (i.e., the loop body), and then repeat it based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression. Hence, the loop body is executed at least once.


The Boolean expression is checked after each iteration of the loop body. The loop terminates as soon as the expression evaluates to false.


public class DoWhileDemo {
    public static void main (String[] args) {

       int count = 10;

       do {
       } while(count>0);

// output 打印10 - 1

!!!Don’t forget to put a semicolon after the Boolean expression.!!!

For 循环#

The for statement is most commonly used to step through an integer variable in equal increments.


It begins with the keyword for followed by three expressions in parentheses that describe what to do with one or more controlling variables:


长啥样?- 注意这三个控制表达式是由两个而不是三个分号隔开的。在循环开始的闭合小括号后没有分号。

for(Initializing; Boolean_Expression; Update)

The first expression (Initializing) tells how the control variable or variables are initialized or declared and initialized before the first iteration The second expression (Boolean_Expression) determines when the loop should end, based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression before each iteration. The third expression (Update) tells how the control variable or variables are updated after each iteration of the loop body.




The Body may consist of a single statement or a list of statements enclosed in a pair of braces { }.

循环体可以由一个单一的语句或一个包含在一对大括号{ }中的语句列表组成。img

public class BottleCount {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for(int i=10; i>0; i--) {
            System.out.printf("%d beer bottles left in the fridge.\n", i);


10 beer bottles left in the fridge.
9 beer bottles left in the fridge.
8 beer bottles left in the fridge.
7 beer bottles left in the fridge.
6 beer bottles left in the fridge.
5 beer bottles left in the fridge.
4 beer bottles left in the fridge.
3 beer bottles left in the fridge.
2 beer bottles left in the fridge.
1 beer bottles left in the fridge.

Caution must be used when combining a declaration with multiple actions. It is, for example, illegal to combine multiple type declarations with multiple actions, for example. To avoid possible problems, it is best to declare all variables outside the for statement.


A for loop can contain multiple update actions, separated by commas:


for(int i=0, j=100; i<j; i++, j--) {}

However, a for loop can contain only one Boolean expression to test for ending the loop.


Nested for 循环#

public class Matrix {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for(int row=1; row<4; row++) {
            for(int col=1; col<5; col++) {
                System.out.printf("%d/%d \t", row, col);


1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 
2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 
3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4

Break & Continue#

The break statement consists of the keyword break followed by a semicolon. It ends the nearest enclosing switch or loop statement.


import java.util.Random;
public class RandomNumberGenerator {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Random rand = new Random();
        int upperbound = 10;
        int count = 0;
        while(true) {
            int randomNumber = rand.nextInt(upperbound); 
            System.out.println("random number generated: " + randomNumber);
            count += 1;
            if(randomNumber > 6) {
        System.out.printf("%d numbers generated", count);

The continue statement consists of the keyword continue followed by a semicolon. When executed, the continue statement ends the current loop body iteration of the nearest enclosing loop statement.


import java.util.Random;
public class CrackingMyOwnNumber {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Random rand = new Random();
        int upperbound = 10;
        int randomNumber = rand.nextInt(upperbound); 
        while(upperbound>0) {
            System.out.println("+ I think your number is " + upperbound);
            if(upperbound!=randomNumber) {
                System.out.println("- nope");
            System.out.println("- you got it!");
+ I think your number is 10
- nope
+ I think your number is 9
- nope
+ I think your number is 8
- nope
+ I think your number is 7
- nope
+ I think your number is 6
- nope
+ I think your number is 5
- nope
+ I think your number is 4

When loop statements are nested, any break or continue statement applies to the innermost, containing loop statement.


In a for loop, the continue statement transfers control to the update expression.


There is a type of break statement that, when used in nested loops, can end any containing loop, not just the innermost loop. To achieve this, we use a labeled break statement. If an enclosing loop statement is labelled with an Identifier, the following version of the break statement will exit the labelled loop, even if it is not the innermost enclosing loop:


break someIdentifier;


public class LabelledBreak {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int i=7;

        while(i<20) {	
            for(int j=1; j<i; j++) {
                    break outerLoop;


        System.out.println("\nEnough looping!");

Exit - 程序退出#

A break statement will end a loop or switch statement, but will not end the program. The exit statement will immediately end the program as soon as it is invoked:



The exit statement takes one integer argument . By tradition, a zero argument is used to indicate a normal ending of the program. However, the cleanest way to end a program is to always let it run to the end of its main function.



A bug is an error or flaw in a program that leads to incorrect or unexpected program execution. The process of finding and fixing bugs is termed debugging. Regardless of whether you are hunting down bugs or are trying to understand how exactly your program is executed, the following techniques will help you look under your code’s hood.


跟踪变量 - Tracing Variables#

Tracing variables involves watching one or more variables change value while a program is running. This can make it easier to discover errors in a program and debug them. Many Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) have a built-in utility that allows variables to be traced without making any changes to the program.


//tracing the variable count
System.out.println("count=" + count); 

使用断言 - Using Assertions#

An assertion is a sentence that says (asserts) something about the state of a program. An assertion must be either true or false, and should be true if a program is working properly. Assertions can be placed in a program as comments:


// 打开断言
$ java -enableassertions DrinkOrder
// 使用断言
assert Boolean_Expression;

Quiz3 - Sum of Numbers

Write a for loop that calculates the sum of the numbers from one to a hundred.


public class SumOfNumbers {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 100;
        int sum = 100*(100+1)/2;
        assert sum == 5050;
        //TODO: your code goes here


Quiz4 - Pyramids

Write a program that prints out a pyramid of stars using command-line arguments and a nested for-loop.

$ java Pyramid 5 left

The program execution above should lead to the following result:


This pyramid is left-aligned as indicated by the second command-line argument.

$ java Pyramid 3 right

The program execution above should lead to the following, *right-*aligned result:


public class Pyramid {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Your code goes here
        int h = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        String x = args[1];
        // Test args

            // Test if
            for(int row = 0; row <  h; row++){
                for(int col = 0 ; col< row; col++){
                  // 这里的col要和row联系起来,内圈loop和外圈loop要有关系而不是各自单独运行 
        } else {
            for(int row = 0; row <  h; row++){
                for (int uuu = 0; uuu < h-1-row; uuu++){
                    System.out.print(' ');
                for(int col = 0 ; col< row; col++){

Quiz5 - 机器人

When the user enters “hello”, the robot should ask for the user’s name. The user should then enter a name, and this name should be remembered and repeated back by Robot, and the program should end.

> hello
Hello, my name is Robot, what is your name?
> John
That's a lovely name John. I hope I see you again.

If the user enters “bye”, then Robot will also say good bye and the program should end.

> bye
Good bye, stranger.
import java.util.Scanner;

public class HelloRobot {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// TODO: Write your code for solving the problem here.
		//Create the scanner object we can use it read input from out keyboard
		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

		//print out the terminal prompt
		String command = scanner.NextLine();

		//Handle the different commands the user could enter
		if (command.equals("hello")){
			//Ask the user their name
			System.out.println("Hello, my name is Robot, what is your name?");
			String userName = scanner.nextLine();

			System.out.println("That is lovely name, " + userName + ". I hope I see you again.");

		} else if (command.equals("bye")){
			//say good bye 
			System.out.println("goodbye, sir");
		} else {
			System.out.println("I didn't understand");
		// close


Quiz6 - 计算器

Part I

Write a simple calculator tool that can perform different calculations based on the command line arguments provided to it.


The first argument should be an operator representing an operation that you would like to perform (such as + for addition), and the second and third arguments should be the operands to the operator.


public class SimpleCalculator {
	private static final String ADD = "+";
	private static final String SUB = "-";
	private static final String MUL = "*";
	private static final String DIV = "/";
	private static final String IDIV = "//";

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// TODO: Write your code for solving the problem here.
		if (args.length !=3){
			System.out.println("Need 3 command line args.");
			System.exit(0); // quit program -- indicates failure
		String operator = args[0];
		double leftOperand = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
		double rightOperand = Double.parseDouble(args[2]);

			case ADD:
				Ststem.out.println(leftOperand + rightOperand);
			case SUB:
				Ststem.out.println(leftOperand - rightOperand);
			case MUL:
				Ststem.out.println(leftOperand * rightOperand);
			case DIV:
				Ststem.out.println(leftOperand / rightOperand);


Part II

Expand on the features of your calculator tool, so that it can do more complicated calculations, such as calculating the volume and area of a circle.


The first argument should be the shape we want to perform a calculations for, the second argument should be the calculation we want to perform, and the third argument should be a value we want to provide for the calculation.


Worksheet for Flow Control#


public class MyProgram {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

        int age = 17;

        System.out.println("Your age is " + age + "...");
        if(age >= 18) {
            System.out.println("You are old enough to enter the bar!");
        } else if(age >= 16) {
            System.out.println("You're almost old enough to enter the bar, but not quite yet. Come back in a few years!");
        } else if(age < 5) {
            System.out.println("You're way too young!!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Sorry, you're too young to enter the bar!");




public class MyProgram {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

        int numberOfTimesToLoop = 6;

        for(int i=0; i<numberOfTimesToLoop; i++) {
            System.out.println("Looping... " + i);


Looping... 0
Looping... 1
Looping... 2
Looping... 3
Looping... 4
Looping... 5

In the code above:

  • The initializer expression was i=0. We set this variable so we can use it to control the termination of the loop.


  • The running condition was i<numberOfTimesToLoop - ie the loop keeps running until the expression becomes false.


  • The increment expression was i++, and is what gets run at the end of each iteration of the loop. Here, we add 1 to the looping variable each loop, to bring the running condition closer to becoming false each time.


Note that with each iteration of a loop, we want to bring it close to reaching the condition in which the running condition will become false, so that out loop will eventually terminate. If we do not do this, our loop would run infinitely, and is what is known as an infinite loop. (Try changing the increment expression in the code above from i++ to i– and see what happens).



import java.util.Random;

public class MyProgram {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

        int facesOnDie = 20;
        int targetNumber = 20;

        Random random = new Random();
        int randomNum = 0;

        System.out.println("Give me a " + targetNumber + "!");

        while (randomNum != targetNumber) {
            // Generate a random number between 1 and 6.
            randomNum = random.nextInt(facesOnDie) + 1;
            System.out.println("Rolled a " + randomNum);

        System.out.println("Yes! I rolled a " + targetNumber + "!");


Rolled a 15
Rolled a 11
Rolled a 3
Rolled a 2
Rolled a 16
Rolled a 4
Rolled a 20

Yes! I rolled a 20!

Quiz7 - 打印乘法表

The program should print the multiplication table from 1 to 10 for that number.

Please enter a number: 3
1 x 3 = 3
2 x 3 = 6
3 x 3 = 9
4 x 3 = 12
5 x 3 = 15
6 x 3 = 18
7 x 3 = 21
8 x 3 = 24
9 x 3 = 27
10 x 3 = 30
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MultiplicationTableGenerator {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO: Write your code for solving the problem here.
		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
		System.out.print("Please enter a number: ");
		int x = keyboard.nextInt();

		for(int i=1; i<11; i++){
			System.out.print(" x ");
			System.out.print(" = ");
			int y = i * x;

Quiz7 - 2 - Mars Rover

  • mapWidth is the number of cells wide the map is

  • mapHeight is the number of cells high the map is

  • startX is the cell number the rover starts in, from the left

  • startY is the cell number the rover starts in, from the top

  • targetX is the cell number the rover wants to arrive at, from the left

  • targetY is the cell number the rover wants to arrive at, from the top

All arguments should be integers, and cell numbers start from 0.

For example, the following call:

java Rover 5 3 0 0 4 2

… should generate the following graphical representation, with the rover being displayed in the top left of the map, and the target location being displayed in the bottom right of the map:

public class Rover {

	// Some constants for accessing command line argument indexes.
	final static int MAP_WIDTH_INDEX = 0;
	final static int MAP_HEIGHT_INDEX = 1;
	final static int MAP_START_X_INDEX = 2;
	final static int MAP_START_Y_INDEX = 3;
	final static int MAP_TARGET_X_INDEX = 4;
	final static int MAP_TARGET_Y_INDEX = 5;
	// Some constants used to render the map.
	final static String MAP_CELL_ROVER = "M";
	final static String MAP_CELL_TARGET = "X";
	final static String MAP_CELL_EMPTY = ".";
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Assign more meaningful names to the values from the command line,
		// while converting them to an appropriate data type.
		final int mapWidth = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_WIDTH_INDEX]);
		final int mapHeight = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_HEIGHT_INDEX]);
		final int startX = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_START_X_INDEX]);
		final int startY = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_START_Y_INDEX]);
		final int targetX = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_TARGET_X_INDEX]);
		final int targetY = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_TARGET_Y_INDEX]);
		// Variables for holding the current position of the rover,
		// Initialized to the starting location.
		int roverX = startX;
		int roverY = startY;
		// Draw the map, by drawing each row.
		for(int y=0; y < mapHeight; y++) {
			// Draw each cell in a row.
			for(int x=0; x < mapWidth; x++) {
				// Output the appropriate symbol for each cell.
				if(x == roverX && y == roverY) {
					// If rendering the rover location.
				} else if(x == targetX && y == targetY) {
					// If rendering the target location.
				} else {
					// If rendering an empty cell.
			// Create a newline at the end of each row. of the map we render.


Quiz7 - 3 - Mars Rover

Allow the user to control the movement of the rover by entering one of the following commands, representing the direction of movement based on a compass direction - n for North, s for South, e for East, and w for West, followed by a number to indicate the number of cells to move:

n <numberOfCellsToMove>
s <numberOfCellsToMove>
e <numberOfCellsToMove>
w <numberOfCellsToMove>

After the rover has moved, an updated map should be displayed.

If the rover reaches the target destination, the program should terminate, indicating the number of valid commands executed, and the total distance travelled (in meters) to reach the destination.

java Rover 5 3 0 0 4 2

> e 2

> s 2

> e 1

> e 1
Target reached after 4 commands, and a travel distance of 120.0 meters

If an invalid movement command is specified (ie a movement command that would move the rover out of bounds, according to the map), then the warning “Invalid movement.” should be displayed, no movement should occur, and the map and prompt should be redisplayed again. For example:

java Rover 5 3 0 0 4 2

> n 1
Invalid movement.



Consider using the string split() method to break up a single string into an array of strings - which will be of a similar form to the args argument from the main method, which we’ve used before.


String[] commandArgs = command.split(" ");

Assuming that the command variable holds a string with spaces in it, command.split(” “) will break that string up into parts, based on the space character.

假设command变量持有一个含有空格的字符串,command.split(” “)将根据空格字符将该字符串分割成若干部分。

If an invalid command is issued (ie because the command is not one of n, e, s, or w), then the warning “Invalid command.” should be displayed, no movement should occur, and the map and prompt should be redisplayed again. For example:

java Rover 5 3 0 0 4 2

> ee 1
Invalid command.



This question has quite a few different parts, so try to break this task into smaller parts and then implement each part separately.

For example, try implementing the movement without thinking about invalid movement for the time being. After basic movement is implemented, add the error checking. After error checking is implemented, implement the counting of commands and distance travelled.

The skill of decomposing a larger problem into smaller parts is an effective tool in Software Engineering, which you can start practicing and applying immediately to your benefit.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Rover {

	// Some constants for accessing command line argument indexes.
	final static int MAP_WIDTH_INDEX = 0;
	final static int MAP_HEIGHT_INDEX = 1;
	final static int MAP_START_X_INDEX = 2;
	final static int MAP_START_Y_INDEX = 3;
	final static int MAP_TARGET_X_INDEX = 4;
	final static int MAP_TARGET_Y_INDEX = 5;
	// Some constants used to render the map.
	final static String MAP_CELL_ROVER = "M";
	final static String MAP_CELL_TARGET = "X";
	final static String MAP_CELL_EMPTY = ".";
	// Constants for the movement commands.
	final static String MOVE_NORTH = "n";
	final static String MOVE_EAST = "e";
	final static String MOVE_SOUTH = "s";
	final static String MOVE_WEST = "w";
	final static double CELL_WIDTH = 20;
	final static double CELL_HEIGHT = 20;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Assign more meaningful names to the values from the command line,
		// while converting them to an appropriate data type.
		final int mapWidth = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_WIDTH_INDEX]);
		final int mapHeight = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_HEIGHT_INDEX]);
		final int startX = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_START_X_INDEX]);
		final int startY = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_START_Y_INDEX]);
		final int targetX = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_TARGET_X_INDEX]);
		final int targetY = Integer.parseInt(args[MAP_TARGET_Y_INDEX]);
		// Variables for holding the current position of the rover,
		// Initialized to the starting location.
		int roverX = startX;
		int roverY = startY;
		// Flag for indicating whether or not we've reached the target.
		boolean isTargetReached = false;
		// Scanner for reading in user input.
		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
		// Variables for keeping track of movement statistics.
		double distanceTravelled = 0;
		int numValidCommands = 0;
		// Keep rendering the map, and asking for user input, when the target
		// has not been reached yet.
		while(!isTargetReached) {
			// Draw the map, by drawing each row.
			for(int y=0; y < mapHeight; y++) {
				// Draw each cell in a row.
				for(int x=0; x < mapWidth; x++) {
					// Output the appropriate symbol for each cell.
					if(x == roverX && y == roverY) {
						// If rendering the rover location.
					} else if(x == targetX && y == targetY) {
						// If rendering the target location.
					} else {
						// If rendering an empty cell.
				// Create a newline at the end of each row. of the map we render.
			// Print a user prompt.
			System.out.print("> ");

			// Read in the user's input command.
			String command = scanner.nextLine();
			String[] commandArgs = command.split(" ");
			String moveDirection = commandArgs[0];
			int moveAmount = Integer.parseInt(commandArgs[1]);
			// Process the movement command.
			if(moveDirection.equalsIgnoreCase(MOVE_NORTH)) {
				// Check if movement is in bounds - if so move, otherwise show warning.
				if(roverY - moveAmount >= 0) {
					// Update movement.
					roverY -= moveAmount;
					// Update stats.
					distanceTravelled += moveAmount * CELL_HEIGHT;
				} else {
					System.out.println("Invalid movement.");
			} else if(moveDirection.equalsIgnoreCase(MOVE_EAST)) {
				// Check if movement is in bounds - if so move, otherwise show warning.
				if(roverX + moveAmount < mapWidth) {
					// Update movement.
					roverX += moveAmount;
					// Update stats.
					distanceTravelled += moveAmount * CELL_WIDTH;
				} else {
					System.out.println("Invalid movement.");
			} else if(moveDirection.equalsIgnoreCase(MOVE_SOUTH)) {

				// Check if movement is in bounds - if so move, otherwise show warning.
				if(roverY + moveAmount < mapHeight) {
					// Update movement.
					roverY += moveAmount;
					// Update stats.
					distanceTravelled += moveAmount * CELL_HEIGHT;
				} else {
					System.out.println("Invalid movement.");
			} else if(moveDirection.equalsIgnoreCase(MOVE_WEST)) {
				// Check if movement is in bounds - if so move, otherwise show warning.
				if(roverX - moveAmount >= 0) {
					// Update movement.
					roverX -= moveAmount;
					// Update stats.
					distanceTravelled += moveAmount * CELL_WIDTH;
				} else {
					System.out.println("Invalid movement.");
			} else {
				// Invalid command encountered, show warning.
				System.out.println("Invalid command.");
			// Target reached.
			if(roverX == targetX && roverY == targetY) {
				isTargetReached = true;
		// Print final statistics before exiting.
		System.out.println("Target reached after " + numValidCommands + " commands, and a travel distance of " + distanceTravelled + " meters.");
		// Free up resources before terminating the program.


类定义 Class definitions#

A class is a type and you can declare variables of your own class type (e.g., Car myCar). A value of a class type is called an object or an instance of the class. The process of creating an object of a class is called instantiation.

一个类是一个类型,你可以声明你自己的类类型的变量(e.g.,Car myCar)。一个类类型的值被称为该类的对象实例。创建一个类的对象的过程被称为实例化。

Classes are often defined in their own file. So, if you want to create a new class called Car you may want to write the class definition into a file called (for now, make sure that your program and all the classes it uses are in the same directory or folder). A class definition specifies the data items (instance variables) and methods (actions) that all of its objects will have. Instance variable declarations and method definitions can be placed in any order within the class definition.


Type; Instance; Object of a class is all the same thing

An object has both data and actions. Both the data items and the methods are also called members of the object. Data items are also referred to as fields. Actions define what objects of your class are capable of and are generally called methods. Each object can have different data, but all objects of a class have the same types of data and all objects of a class have the same methods (e.g., myCar vs yourCar).

一个对象既有数据又有行动。数据项和方法也都被称为对象的成员。数据项也被称为字段。行动定义了你的类的对象能够做什么,一般被称为方法。每个对象可以有不同的数据,但一个类的所有对象都有相同的数据类型,一个类的所有对象都有相同的方法(例如,myCar vs yourCar)

// class definition
public class Car {

    // data fields or instance variables
    private String manufacturer; //private is a modifier that makes sure that this instance variable can only be modified from within this class (more on that later)
    private String model;
    private int yearBuilt;
    private int horsepower;

    // a method
    public void drive() {
        // ...

    // another method
    public void writeOutput() {
        System.out.printf("%s (%s, %d) with %d hp\n", manufacturer, model, yearBuilt, horsepower);

    // program entry
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Car myCar = new Car();
        myCar.manufacturer = "BMW";
        myCar.model = "X7";
        myCar.yearBuilt = 2020;
        myCar.horsepower = 523;


//Each object of this class has four pieces of data: a string for the manufacturer, a string for the car's model, an integer for the year it was built, and another integer for its horsepower (hp). 

//A class type value or object can have multiple pieces of data as well as actions. This is different from primitive type values, which are single pieces of data (e.g., int, short, char). All objects of a class have the same pieces of data (i.e., manufacturer, model, yearBuilt, and horsepower)  and methods (i.e., writeOuput). For a given object, each piece of data can hold a different value.

类结构 Class structure#

变量 Variables#

  • creates a variable called classVariable of the class ClassName.

An object of a class is named or declared by a variable of the class type.


ClassName classVariable; //declaration
// 就比如 private int Apple

The new operator must then be used to create the object and associate it with its variable name:


classVariable = new ClassName(); //instantiation
// 就比如 private int apple = new Apple()


  • Java 没有全局变量

  • local variable:A variable declared within a method definition/ args variable, which is also called a method parameter. All method parameters are local variables.

  • In Java, you cannot have two variables with the same name inside a single method definition (e.g., inside a block and outside a block) .


  • It indicates the number and types of data pieces needed, the order in which they must be given, and the local name for these pieces as used in the method:

    public double myMethod(int param1, int param2, double param3) {}
  • Argument: int a=1,b=2,c=3; double result = myMethod(a,b,c);

  • byte > short > int > long > float > double > char

  • The value of each argument (not the variable name) is plugged into the corresponding method parameter. This method of plugging in arguments for formal parameters is known as the call-by-value mechanism. When a method is invoked, the value of its argument is computed/evaluated, and the corresponding parameter (i.e., the local variable) is initialized to this value. Even if the value of a formal parameter is changed within a method (i.e., it is used as a local variable) the value of the argument cannot be changed.


    public class Date {
        public int day;
        public int month;
        public int year;
        // a void method
        public void writeOutput() {
            System.out.println(day + "/" + month + "/" + year);
        // a method that returns a value
        public int getYear() {
            return year;
        // a method with parameters
        public void setDate(int newDay, int newMonth, int newYear) {
            day = newDay;
            month = newMonth;
            year = newYear;
        // a method with return type
        public String monthString(int monthNumber)
            switch(monthNumber) {
                case 1:
                    return "January";
                case 2:
                    return "February";
                case 3:
                    return "March";
                case 4:
                    return "April";
                case 5:
                    return "May";
                case 6:
                    return "June";
                case 7:
                    return "July";
                case 8:
                    return "August";
                case 9:
                    return "September";
                case 10:
                    return "October";
                case 11:
                    return "November";
                case 12:
                    return "December";
                    return "ERROR: no such month";
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // object declaration & creation
            Date date1 = new Date();
            date1.setDate(13, 8, 2021); //method invocation with parameters
            date1.writeOutput(); //void method invocation
            int year = date1.getYear(); //method invocation
            System.out.printf("Year: %d, Month: %s\n", year, date1.monthString(date1.month));
    // output
    Year: 2021, Month: August
  • This.parameter

    public class Car {
        private String manufacturer; 
        private String model;
        public void writeOutput() {
            System.out.printf("%s / %s\n", manufacturer, model);
            // All instance variables are understood to have <the calling object> in front of them. If an explicit name for the calling object is needed, the keyword this can be used. The following is, therefore, a valid Java method definition that is equivalent to the original writeOutput() method.
            // 所有的实例变量都被理解为在它们前面有<调用对象>。如果需要调用对象的明确名称,可以使用关键字this。因此,下面是一个有效的Java方法定义,它等同于原来的writeOutput()方法。
        // program entry
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Car myCar = new Car();
            myCar.manufacturer = "BMW";
            myCar.model = "X7";
    // BMW / X7


public class Date {
    public int day = 3;
    public int month = 3;
    public int year = 3;

    public void setDate(int day, int month, int year) {
        day = day; //note how <this> is used to distinguish instance from local variable
        month = month;
        year = year;
    public void writeOutput() { //here we don't need <this> as the context is unambigious
        System.out.println(day + "/" + month + "/" + year);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Date date1 = new Date();
        date1.setDate(13, 8, 2021);
//output: 3/3/3
public class Date {
    public int day = 3;
    public int month = 3;
    public int year = 3;

    public void setDate(int day, int month, int year) { = day; //note how <this> is used to distinguish instance from local variable
        this.month = month;
        this.year = year;
    public void writeOutput() { //here we don't need <this> as the context is unambigious
        System.out.println(day + "/" + month + "/" + year);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Date date1 = new Date();
        date1.setDate(13, 8, 2021);

//output: 13/8/2021

The this parameter is a kind of hidden parameter. Even though it does not appear on the parameter list of a method, it is still a parameter. When a method is invoked, the calling object is automatically plugged in for this.


方法 Methods#

Method definitions are divided into two parts: a heading and a method body.


public void myMethod() { //heading
    // Variable calls a method

call 了 一个method之后通常有两种结果:

  1. 计算返回值


    public typeReturned methodName(parameter_List) {}
    // A method that returns a value must specify the type of its return value in its heading:


    public void methodName(parameter_List) {}
    // Methods that only perform an option without returning a valid are called void methods. 
    //A void method uses the keyword void in its heading to show that it does not return a value:
  2. perform an action

Expression can be any expression that evaluates to something of the type returned listed in the method heading. A void method does not need to contain a return statement unless there is a situation that requires the method to end before all its code is executed. In this case, since it does not return a value, a return statement is used without an expression.


  • Call method 的其他方式

    An invocation of a method that returns a value can be used as an expression anyplace that a value of the typeReturned can be used:


    typeReturned tRVariable;
    tRVariable = objectName.methodName(); 
    • Example

      public class Date {
          public int day;
          public int month;
          public int year;
          // a void method
          public void writeOutput() {
              System.out.println(day + "/" + month + "/" + year);
          // a method that returns a value
          public int getYear() {
              return year;
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // object declaration & creation
              Date date1 = new Date();
     = 13; //data initialization/update
              date1.month = 8;
              date1.year = 2021;
              date1.writeOutput(); //void method invocation
              int year = date1.getYear(); //method invocation
              System.out.printf("Year: %d\n", year);
      Year: 2021

Quiz 8 - Bill

  • this class holds all data and methods necessary to bill a client for a service

  • this class holds the program execution code and manages the user dialogue

import java.util.Scanner;

class Bill 
	public static double RATE = 150.00; //Dollars per quarter hour

	private int hours;
	private int minutes;
	private double fee;

	public void inputTimeWorked() 
		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

		System.out.println("Enter the number of full hours worked:");
		hours = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.nextLine());
		System.out.println("Enter the number of minutes worked:");
		minutes = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.nextLine());

    //uses the parameters minutesWorked as a local variable
	public double computeFee(int hoursWorked, int minutesWorked)
		minutesWorked = hoursWorked * 60 + minutesWorked;
		int quarterHours = minutesWorked / 15; //any remaining fraction of a quarter hour is not charged for

		return quarterHours * RATE;

	public void updateFee()
		fee = computeFee(hours, minutes); //although minutes is plugged in for minutesWorked and minutesWorked is changed, the value of minutes is not changed

	public void outputBill()
		System.out.println("Time worked:");
		System.out.println(hours + " hours and " + minutes + " minutes");
		System.out.println("Rate: " + RATE + " per quarter hour.");
		System.out.println("Amount due: " + fee);
public class BillingDialog
	public static void main(String[] args)
		System.out.println("Welcome to the law office of Better Call Saul!");

		Bill yourBill = new Bill();


		System.out.println("It has been a pleasure to serve you.");

Equals() - 等于符号#

  • a boolean-valued method, is to compare two objects of the class to see if they satisfy the notion of “being equal”.

  • You can’t just use == to compare objects as it often refers to references in memory!

String userInput = Scanner.nextLine();


public class Date {
    public int day;
    public int month;
    public int year;

    public void setDate(int day, int month, int year) { = day; 
        this.month = month;
        this.year = year;
    public boolean equals(Date anotherDate) { //equals expects an argument of the same type as itself
        return ( && month==anotherDate.month && year==anotherDate.year);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Date date1 = new Date();
        date1.setDate(13, 8, 2021);

        Date date2 = new Date();
        date2.setDate(26, 8, 2021);

        Date date3 = new Date();
        date3.setDate(13, 8, 2021);
        System.out.println("date1 and date2 are equal: " + date1.equals(date2));
        System.out.println("date1 and date3 are equal: " + date1.equals(date3));

date1 and date2 are equal: false
date1 and date3 are equal: true


  • The purpose of the toString() method is to return a String value that represents the data in the object.

    public class Date {
        public int day;
        public int month;
        public int year;
        public void setDate(int day, int month, int year) {
   = day; 
            this.month = month;
            this.year = year;
        public String toString() { //the toString() method does not take parameters and returns a String that describes the current object
            return (day + "/" + month + "/" + year);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Date date1 = new Date();
            date1.setDate(13, 8, 2021);
            System.out.println("date1: " + date1.toString());
            // same as : System.out.println(date1);

    这玩意儿能把system out print的结果改格式

封装 Encapsulation#

Encapsulation means that the data and methods of a class are combined into a single unit (i.e., a class object), which hides the implementation details. Knowing the details is unnecessary because interaction with the object occurs via a well-defined and simple interface. Encapsulation effectively hides the values or state of a structured data object. By doing so it restricts direct access to some of an object’s components.


The application programming interface (API) for a class is a description of how to use the class. Optimally, a programmer need only read the API in order to use a well-designed class.


An abstract data type (ADT) is a data type that is written using good information-hiding techniques.



访问控制修饰符 - Access modifiers (e.g., public vs private)#

Java uses modifiers to restrict access to certain variables. They contribute to the language’s ability to hide information and is a crucial component of encapsulation.


The modifier public means that there are no restrictions on where an instance variable or method can be used. The modifier private, on the other hand, means that an instance variable or method cannot be accessed by name from outside of the class.


It is considered good programming practise to make all instance variables private by default. Most methods are public and thus provide controlled access to the object. Usually, methods are private only if used as helper methods for other methods in the class.


读取获取方法 - Accessor and mutator methods#


Accessor methods allow the programmer to obtain the value of an object’s instance variables. The data can be accessed but not changed. The name of an accessor method typically starts with the word get.

public class Car {

    private String manufacturer; 
    private String model;

    // accessor methods
    public void getManufacturer() {
        return manufacturer;
    public void getModel() {
        return model;

Mutator methods allow the programmer to change the value of an object’s instance variables in a controlled manner. It allows you as the creator of the class to test and filter incoming data and the data manipulation attempts. The name of a mutator method typically starts with the word set.


Mutator methods, often also called setter methods, allow you to test and enforce certain conditions of the state of the data.


The precondition of a method states what is assumed to be true when the method is called.


The postcondition of a method states what will be true after the method is executed, as long as the precondition holds. It is a good practice to always think in terms of preconditions and postconditions when designing a method, and when writing the method comment.


public class Date {
    private int day;
    private int month;
    private int year;

    // accessor methods
    public int getDay() {
        return day;

    public int getMonth() {
        return month;

    public int getYear() {
        return year;
    // mutator method with test of incoming data
    public void setDay(int day) { 
        if((day <= 0) || (day > 31)) {
            System.out.println("Fatal Error");
        } else {
   = day;

    public void setMonth(int monthNumber) {
        if((monthNumber <= 0) || (monthNumber > 12)) {
            System.out.println("Fatal Error");
        } else {
            month = monthNumber;

    public void setYear(int year) {
        if((year < 1000) || (year > 9999)) {
            System.out.println("Fatal Error");
        } else {
            this.year = year;
    public boolean equals(Date otherDate) {
        if(( == day) //within the definition of Date, you can directly access private instance variables of any object of type Date
            && (otherDate.month == month)
            && (otherDate.year == year)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

Getter & Setter#

  • settergetter方法可保护变量的值免受外界(调用方代码)的意外更改

  • getter方法是外界读取变量值的唯一方法

  • Setter是一种更新变量值的方法。Getter是一种读取变量值的方法。Gettersetter 在Java 中也称为访问器更改器


重载 - Overloading#

Overloading is when two or more methods in the same class have the same method name. To be valid, any two definitions of the method name must have different signatures.

A signature consists of the name of a method together with its parameter list

// method takes one parameter of type Date
public void setDate(Date date) {}

// method takes 3 parameters
public void setDate(int day, int month, int year) {}

// method takes 3 parameters of different types
public void setDate(int day, String month, int year) {}

条件:Differing signatures must have different numbers and/or types of parameters.

The signature of a method only includes the method name and its parameter types. The signature does not include the type returned. Java does not permit methods with the same name and different return types in the same class.

构造器 - Constructors#

designed to initialize the instance variables for an object.

public class Date {
    private int day;
    private int month;
    private int year;

    // constructor
    public Date(int day, int month, int year) {

    // copy constructor
    public Date(Date date) {
        day =;
        month = date.month;
        year = date.year;

    // accessor methods
    public int getDay() {
        return day;

    public int getMonth() {
        return month;

    public int getYear() {
        return year;

    // mutator methods with test of incoming data
    public void setDay(int day) {
        if((day <= 0) || (day > 31)) {
            System.out.println("Fatal Error");
        } else {
   = day;

    public void setMonth(int monthNumber) {
        if((monthNumber <= 0) || (monthNumber > 12)) {
            System.out.println("Fatal Error");
        } else {
            month = monthNumber;

    public void setYear(int year) {
        if((year < 1000) || (year > 9999)) {
            System.out.println("Fatal Error");
        } else {
            this.year = year;
    public boolean equals(Date otherDate) {
        if(( == day)
            && (otherDate.month == month)
            && (otherDate.year == year)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Date date1 = new Date(1, 2, 2021);
        Date date2 = new Date(date1);


The first action taken by a constructor is to create an object with instance variables. It is, therefore, legal to invoke another method within the definition of a constructor, since it has the newly created object as its calling object. For example, mutator methods can be used to set the values of the instance variables inside the constructor. It is even possible for one constructor to invoke another.


A constructor that takes an object of the same class as a parameter to create a copy of it is often referred to as a copy constructor.


Like any ordinary method, every constructor has a this parameter. The this parameter can be used explicitly but is more often understood to be there than written down. The first action taken by a constructor is to automatically create an object with instance variables. Then within the definition of a constructor, the this parameter refers to the object created by the constructor.


If you do not include any constructors in your class, Java will automatically create a default or no-argument constructor that takes no arguments, performs no initializations, but allows the object to be created. If you include one or more constructors in your class, Java will not provide this default constructor. If you include constructors in your class, it is good practice to always provide your own no-argument constructor.



Quiz9 - Person

Write a Java class called Person that has three instance variables:

  • a name (String)

  • an age (int)

  • a gender (String)

Additionally, implement a constructor that initializes these instance variables when called as follows:

Person person = new Person("Joe", 25, "male");

Make sure that a person’s age is never < 0. The default value for age should be set to 0, the name to “anonymous”, and the gender to “unknown” if any invalid arguments are provided.

For each instance variable, make sure to provide the following accessor methods:

public String getName() {...} 
public int getAge() {...} 
public String getGender() {...}

Don’t forget the setter methods:

public void setName(String name) {...} 
public void setAge(int age) {...} 
public void setGender(String gender) {...}

Add a toString() method that returns the value of the instance variables as follows:

Joe (25 years old), gender: male

Also, add an equals() method that takes another Person object as a parameter and returns true if all instance variable values are equal.

public boolean equals(Person anotherPerson) {}

The file contains the program entry (i.e., the main method). You should not modify it. Instead, you need to modify your class in order to make the program run correctly.


public class Person 
	// TODO: your code goes here
    private String Name;
	private int Age;
	private String Gender;

	// public Person(String Name, int Age, String Gender){
	// 	this.Name = Name;
	// 	this.Age = Age;
	// 	this.Gender = Gender;
	// } 
	public String getName() {
		return Name;
	public int getAge() {
		return Age;
	public String getGender() {
		return Gender;
	public void setPerson(String Name, int Age, String Gender){
		this.Name = Name;
		this.Age = Age;
		this.Gender = Gender;

	public Person(String Name, int Age, String Gender) {
			this.Name = "anonymous";
			this.Name = Name;
			this.Age = 0;
			this.Age = Age;
			this.Gender = "unknown";
			this.Gender = Gender;

	// public void setName(String name) {
    //     if(name) {
    //         System.out.println("Fatal Error");
    //         System.exit(0);
    //     } else {
    // = name;
    //     }		
	// }
	// public void setAge(int age) {
    //     if((age < 1000) || (age > 9999)) {
    //         System.out.println("Fatal Error");
    //         System.exit(0);
    //     } else {
    //         this.year = year;
    //     }
	// }
	// public void setGender(String gender) {
	// }

    public String toString() { //the toString() method does not take parameters and returns a String that describes the current object
        return (Name + " (" + Age + " years old), gender: " + Gender);

    public boolean equals(Person otherPerson) {
        if((otherPerson.Name == Name)
            && (otherPerson.Age == Age)
            && (otherPerson.Gender == Gender)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
public class Program {

		Program entry:
		You should not change the code in here but rather adjust to make the code below work
	public static void main (String[] args) 
		Person person1, person2;
		person1 = new Person("Joe", 25, "male");
		person2 = new Person("Anna", 35, "female");

		assert(person1.toString().equals("Joe (25 years old), gender: male"));
		// test1: invalid name
        Person person = new Person("", 55, "male");
        assert(person.toString().equals("anonymous (55 years old), gender: male"));

		// test2: invalid age
        person = new Person("Marta", -12, "female");
        assert(person.toString().equals("Marta (0 years old), gender: female"));
    	// test3: invalid gender
		person = new Person("Finnigan", 1, "");
        assert(person.toString().equals("Finnigan (1 years old), gender: unknown"));

		System.out.println("If you see this: no errors found :)");

Quiz10 - Histogram of Temperatures

A group of Meteorologists are looking for a simple tool to help them plot temperatures as a quick and simple way of visualizing their data for a study they are performing on temperatures at particular locations across the span of the five workdays during the week.

Write a program that reads in temperatures (in Celsius) for the five weekdays, that is, from Monday to Friday and plots a histogram showing the temperatures.

Use a static method to help you simplify your code.

Below is a sample run of the program:

$ javac
$ java Temperatures
Please enter temperature for Monday: 25
Please enter temperature for Tuesday: 33
Please enter temperature for Wednesday: 26
Please enter temperature for Thursday: 28
Please enter temperature for Friday: 20

Histogram of Temperatures
Mon | *************************
Tue | *********************************
Wed | **************************
Thu | ****************************
Fri | ********************

A sample test input file named “test_input.txt” has also been provided with the program scaffold code.

Run the program using input redirection as follows:

$ java Temperatures < test_input.txt

You can also capture the output of your program using output redirection. Running the following will save the output into the file “my_output.txt”:

$ java Temperatures < test_input.txt > my_output.txt

A sample expected output file named “test_output.txt” has also been provided. To automatically test for differences between your program’s output and the expected output, you can now run:

$ diff my_output.txt test_output.txt

If the diff command prints no output, then there are no differences in the two output files, and your program is creating the expected output, for the given input. If there are differences, then diff will print out the line differences.

Note: This is effectively how many of the test cases on edstem have been configured to run for the worksheets. When working on your own projects, creating test cases - that is - a set of input and output pairs, can be a good way to test your program for correctness.

Alternatively, you can also use the sdiff tool to show you your output compared to the expected output, side-by-side. The file you provided in the first argument to sdiff will appear on the left, and the second file will appear on the right.

$ sdiff my_output.txt test_output.txt

// 官方答案

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Temperatures {
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
		// Read in the temperature input from the user.
		System.out.print("Please enter temperature for Monday: ");
		int temperatureMonday = scanner.nextInt();
		System.out.print("Please enter temperature for Tuesday: ");
		int temperatureTuesday = scanner.nextInt();
		System.out.print("Please enter temperature for Wednesday: ");
		int temperatureWednesday = scanner.nextInt();
		System.out.print("Please enter temperature for Thursday: ");
		int temperatureThursday = scanner.nextInt();
		System.out.print("Please enter temperature for Friday: ");
		int temperatureFriday = scanner.nextInt();
		// Print out our graph.
		System.out.println("Histogram of Temperatures");
		renderGraphBar("Mon", temperatureMonday);
		renderGraphBar("Tue", temperatureTuesday);
		renderGraphBar("Wed", temperatureWednesday);
		renderGraphBar("Thu", temperatureThursday);
		renderGraphBar("Fri", temperatureFriday);
	 * Generates a single graph bar.
	 * @param label            the label to be displayed for the graph
	 * @param numberOfSegments the number of segments to print for the bar
	private static void renderGraphBar(String label, int numberOfSegments){
		// Print out the label.
		System.out.print(label + " | ");
		// Print out the graph bar.
		for(int i = 0; i < numberOfSegments; i++) {


Quiz11 - Traffic Infringements

The traffic section of a Police Department wishes to automate the writing of warnings, fines etc. to motorists who exceed the 60km/hr speed limit and whether doing it under influence of liquor or not. Your task is to implement the following warning and fines in the program based on the corresponding conditions:

Condition:                 Message(s):

> 60 and < 65              Warning

> 60 and < 65 and drunk    Warning + Take a shower

65 to <= 70                $5.0 fine for each km/hr over 60 km/hr

65 to <= 70 and drunk      $7.0 fine for each km/hr over 60 km/hr + Take a shower

> 70                       $10.0 fine for each km/hr over 60 km/hr

> 70 and drunk             $15.0 fine for each km/hr over 60 km/hr
                           Spend the day/night in cell until become sober

The program should ask the traffic officer to type in the km/hr speed of the offending driver. It should then ask whether driver is drunk or not. (The officer answers with a ‘Y’ or ‘N’ and the appropriate message is then given.) The program should then display the appropriate message and where any fine is applicable, the program should compute and display the fine.

  1. Please enter speed: 64
    Is the driver drunk? ('Y' for drunk, 'N' otherwise): N
    You have a fine of $0.0
  2. Please enter speed: 64
    Is the driver drunk? ('Y' for drunk, 'N' otherwise): Y
    Warning + Take a shower
    You have a fine of $0.0
  3. Please enter speed: 85
    Is the driver drunk? ('Y' for drunk, 'N' otherwise): Y
    $15.0 fine for each km/hr over 60 km/hr
    Spend the day/night in cell until become sober.
    You have a fine of $375.0

// output

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TrafficInfringement {
	// Some constants for the different speed limit and fine ranges.
	private static final int SPEED_LIMIT = 60;
	private static final int SPEED_WARN_RANGE_LOW = 60;
	private static final int SPEED_WARN_RANGE_HIGH = 65;
	private static final int SPEED_MINOR_FINE_RANGE_LOW = 65;
	private static final int SPEED_MINOR_FINE_RANGE_HIGH = 70;
	private static final int SPEED_MAJOR_FINE_RANGE_LOW = 70;
	private static final double FINE_RATE_MINOR_SOBER = 5.0;
	private static final double FINE_RATE_MINOR_DRUNK = 7.0;
	private static final double FINE_RATE_MAJOR_SOBER = 10.0;
	private static final double FINE_RATE_MAJOR_DRUNK = 15.0;
	public static void main(String[] args){
		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

		// Read in the speed and status of the driver.
		System.out.print("Please enter speed: ");		
        double speed = scanner.nextDouble();
		System.out.print("Is the driver drunk? ('Y' for drunk, 'N' otherwise): ");
        boolean isDrunk ="Y");
        // Set some defaults for the fine and output message.
        double fine = 0.0;
        String message = "";
        // Check speed limit ranges and status of driver to determine message and fine to print.
        if(speed > SPEED_WARN_RANGE_LOW && speed < SPEED_WARN_RANGE_HIGH) {
        	if(!isDrunk) {
        		message = "Warning";
        	} else {
        		message = "Warning + Take a shower";
			if(!isDrunk) {
				message = "$" + FINE_RATE_MINOR_SOBER + " fine for each km/hr over " + SPEED_LIMIT + " km/hr";
				fine = (speed - SPEED_LIMIT) * FINE_RATE_MINOR_SOBER;
        	} else {
        		message = "$" + FINE_RATE_MINOR_DRUNK + " fine for each km/hr over " + SPEED_LIMIT + " km/hr";
    			fine = (speed - SPEED_LIMIT) * FINE_RATE_MINOR_DRUNK;
		} else if (speed > SPEED_MAJOR_FINE_RANGE_LOW){
			if(!isDrunk) {
				message = "$" + FINE_RATE_MAJOR_SOBER + " fine for each km/hr over " + SPEED_LIMIT + " km/hr";
				fine = (speed - SPEED_LIMIT) * FINE_RATE_MAJOR_SOBER;
			} else {
				message = "$" + FINE_RATE_MAJOR_DRUNK + " fine for each km/hr over " + SPEED_LIMIT + " km/hr" + 
						  "\n\nSpend the day/night in cell until become sober.";
				fine = (speed - SPEED_LIMIT) * FINE_RATE_MAJOR_DRUNK;
		} else {
			message = "All good!";
        // Print out the fine.
		System.out.println("You have a fine of $" + fine);


面对对象一件套 - Object Oriented Programming, Objects, Classes#

创建类 - Creating Class#

public class Dog {

    // Some instance variables.
    private String name;
    private int age;

    // A constructor.
    public Dog(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

    // A method.
    public void greet() {
        System.out.println("Woof! My name is " + name + " and I'm " + age + " years old!");

// The Dog class has the instance variables, name and age, which hold specific information about the dog.

创建方法 - Creating Methods#

  • Methods can be thought of actions that can be run on classes and objects. Methods can take zero or more arguments as input, and can return either a single result, or no result at all.


  • There are two kinds of methods - static methods and non-static methods.


  • Static methods belong to the class itself, and are similar to functions in other programming languages like C and Python.


  • In Object Oriented Programming, we will mostly use non-static methods as a way of implementing “actions” on individual objects. There are some cases where use of a static method makes sense, but this can be quite rare, so it’s worth considering twice whether or not a non-static method would be more suitable.

    在面向对象编程中,我们大多会使用非静态方法作为对单个对象实现 “动作 “的方式。在某些情况下,使用静态方法是有意义的,但这种情况可能相当罕见,所以值得反复考虑是否非静态方法会更合适。

  • Methods can take in parameters, that you specify as a parameter list. Methods can also return a result, the type of which is defined by the type before the method name.

    public int add(int num1, int num2) {
        return num1 + num2;


    public void printSum(int num1, int num2) {
        System.out.println(num1 + num2);

注意事项 - Caution#


  • Class names should match the name of the file they are defined in. The means if you have a class called Dog, the file name that it is in should be named


  • Class names should be written using UpperCamelCase, that is, they should start with a capital letter and use capital letters to separate the border of words. Java uses this as a convention so that it’s easy to distinguish class names from variable name and method names in your program (variable names and method names should use lowerCamelCase, that is, to start with a lowercase letter and use capital letters to separate the border of words).

    类名应使用 “UpperCamelCase “来书写,也就是说,它们应该以大写字母开始,并使用大写字母来分隔单词的边界。Java将此作为惯例,以便在程序中容易区分类名和变量名及方法名(变量名方法名应使用lowerCamelCase,即以小写字母开头,用大写字母分隔单词的边界)。

Class Design: Information Hiding

  • Instance variables and methods have a visibility modifier (public, private, protected), which controls whether these variables and methods can be accessed from outside of the class.

    • Variables and methods that should be hidden from the outside should be made private. This prevents those variables and methods from being accessed / called from outside of the class.


    • Variables and methods that are only used within a class should be made private, since they never need to be accessed directly from outside.


    • Generally instance variables should be all be made private, and their access and modification should be controlled by the existence or absence of getter and setter methods. (eg if you don’t want a variable to change from outside the class, then make it private and restrict modifications to it by not creating a setter method; if you want a variable to be visible from outside the class, then create a getter method for it).


    • Methods that you want other classes to call, should be made public.


    • Methods that are only used for calculating something used internal to the class should be made private, so as not to clutter up the API of (ie the methods available on) your class.


Program Structure

  • One common question, when thinking about the design of a system is, in which class should a method or instance variable be placed? One way of helping to decide, is to think about the responsibility of the class, based on its class name. For example, we would expect a class named Dog to have variables such as the name and age of the dog. We would not expect that a dog object should have the name and age of the owner in it as well - the name and age of the owner should go in a different class, perhaps one named Person.

Quiz12 - Ocean Drones

A new startup has been developing ocean cleaning drones, called FLOAT-E, that can clean the surface of a body of water to remove plastic waste. They have made some prototypes that demonstrate their proof of concept, but are still trying to determine the best kind of configuration for their drones for ocean cleanups.

FLOAT-E drones each have a configurable battery, and a configurable number of filters, and will be used in bodies of water of various sizes.

The startup has approached you to help them develop a system that can help simulate the configurable drones, and test them on cleaning different bodies of water.

Create a program called DroneSimulation which will allow the company to test different configurations of drones.

The program should allow a user to enter in values for configuring the drone and the body of water that it should clean.

After entering the input, the program should print out the configuration that was read in, and then start simulating the cleaning of the body of water.

While the water is being cleaned, the battery level and plastic remaining in the body of water should be displayed each step of the clean.

Once the drone is either low on battery, or the body of water is considered clean, the cleaning stops and a final status output is printed, displaying the number of steps taken, and the reason for the clean terminating.


Battery size (units): 20
Number of filters: 6
Water body size (units): 100
Plastic (%): 67

Clean initiated for a drone with 6 filters, and battery with charge of 20.0 units.
Water body has a surface size of 100.0 units.

Battery: 100.0% | Plastic: 0.670
Battery: 94.0% | Plastic: 0.602
Battery: 88.0% | Plastic: 0.537
Battery: 82.0% | Plastic: 0.476
Battery: 76.0% | Plastic: 0.419
Battery: 70.0% | Plastic: 0.365
Battery: 64.0% | Plastic: 0.315
Battery: 58.0% | Plastic: 0.267
Battery: 52.0% | Plastic: 0.222
Battery: 46.0% | Plastic: 0.180
Battery: 40.0% | Plastic: 0.140
Battery: 34.0% | Plastic: 0.103
Battery: 28.0% | Plastic: 0.067
Battery: 22.0% | Plastic: 0.034

Cleaning stopped after 13 steps.
Reason: Cleaning complete.


Battery size (units): 10
Number of filters: 3
Water body size (units): 1000
Plastic (%): 50

Clean initiated for a drone with 3 filters, and battery with charge of 10.0 units.
Water body has a surface size of 1000.0 units.

Battery: 100.0% | Plastic: 0.500
Battery: 94.0% | Plastic: 0.497
Battery: 88.0% | Plastic: 0.494
Battery: 82.0% | Plastic: 0.491
Battery: 76.0% | Plastic: 0.488
Battery: 70.0% | Plastic: 0.485
Battery: 64.0% | Plastic: 0.482
Battery: 58.0% | Plastic: 0.479
Battery: 52.0% | Plastic: 0.476
Battery: 46.0% | Plastic: 0.473
Battery: 40.0% | Plastic: 0.470
Battery: 34.0% | Plastic: 0.468
Battery: 28.0% | Plastic: 0.465
Battery: 22.0% | Plastic: 0.462
Battery: 16.0% | Plastic: 0.459
Battery: 10.0% | Plastic: 0.456
Battery: 4.0% | Plastic: 0.453

Cleaning stopped after 16 steps.
Reason: Battery was low.

The String.format() method may be useful for you here, for formatting the output to a set number of decimal places.

For example, String.format("%.2f", 1.234567) will format the number to **2 decimal places**, creating the string "1.23".

Your program should contain the following classes:

  • The DroneSimulation class, which contains the main method of the program and manages the overall handling of input and the running of the simulation.

  • The Drone class, which represents an individual FLOAT-E drone.

  • The Battery class, which represents a battery, which can be configured and used for the drone.

  • The WaterBody class, which represents the body of water that the drone should act on, to clean it.

Some basic starter code for these classes have been created for you to use as a starting point. Some of these classes will have partially implemented methods for you to complete.


Task 1: Create instance variables and constructors

Create the instance variables required in each of the Drone, Battery and WaterBody classes, related getters and setters, as well as appropriate constructors for initializing these instance variables. Note that the exact name of the instance variables are up to you.

Drones should have a configurable battery, and a configurable number of filters.

Batteries have a maximum battery charge and a current battery charge (measured in “units”).

WaterBodies have a surface size (measured in “units”), and a plastic surface size, which is the amount of the water surface covered in plastic (also measured in “units”).


Task 2: Create the methods

Implement and complete the methods for each of the Drone, Battery and WaterBody classes. Some method stubs have been provided to you in the starter code, with their method descriptions below, but you may create additional methods in your code if you chose.

The WaterBody should have a clean() method that takes no arguments, but when called, should reduce the amount of surface plastic by:


The Battery should have a method called drain() which takes as an argument the number of filters on the drone. Each call to the drain() method should decrease the battery’s current charge by:


The Drone should have a clean() method, which takes a WaterBody as an argument. When this method is run, the drone should keep taking steps to clean the body of water while the drone has enough battery, and the water body is not yet clean.

Each step of the cleaning process should reduce the battery by calling the drain() method on the battery. Each step, the clean() method on the water body should be called once for every filter on the drone, as well.

Cleaning should stop if the battery is low (ie has less than 5% of the total charge remaining) or when the water body is considered clean (ie there is less than 0.05 plastic left in the water).

Task 3: Complete the main method

Finally, implement the remainder of the main() method in DroneSimulation, to tie the program together.











静态方法 - Static Methods#

  • A static method is one that can be used without a calling object


  • A static method still belongs to a class, and its definition is given inside the class definition


public static returnedType myMethod(parameters) { . . . }

Static methods are invoked using the class name in place of a calling object

returnedValue = MyClass.myMethod(arguments);
  • cannot call non-static methods

    • When a non-static method is called, it is passed a hidden parameter, this, which refers to the object (“instance”) of this class from which it is being called. A static method can be called without an object, like Main.main(), and so there is no this variable that it can pass.

      Fix the above code in one or both of the following ways:

      1. Make sayHello() static too.

      2. In main(), create a new variable called instance of class Main, and then call Main.sayHello()

静态变量 - Static Variables#

  • There is only one copy of a static variable per class.

  • There is a separate copy of an instance variable for each object of the class

  • All objects of the class can read and modify a static variable

  • 常数可以不被private,The exception is constants. These are variables declared with the final modifier, which means that they cannot be changed. This makes it safe to make them public. —》 被引用时候int year = RoundStuff.PI;

Although a static method cannot access and instance variable, it can access a static variable.

A static variable is declared like an instance variable, with the addition of the modifier static private static int myStaticVariable;

public class Main {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            Human newHuman = new Human ("Person " + i);
            System.out.println("Current population: "
                + Human.getPopulation());

class Human {
    private String name;
    private static int populationCount = 0;

    public Human(String aName) {
        name = aName;

    public static int getPopulation() {
        return populationCount;

Current population: 1
Current population: 2
Current population: 3
Current population: 4
Current population: 5
Current population: 6
Current population: 7
Current population: 8
Current population: 9
Current population: 10

Quiz13 - Share price

This exercise is to create a class Holding that represents a single investment on the share market. A Holding object records how many shares a person holds in a particular stock.

The class Holding also records the current value of each share. This is common to all Holding objects.

Use your knowledge of static methods and static variables to create this class.

A test class SharePrice has been written, which indicates what methods are required. It should be called from the console ( >_ ) as

java  SharePrice  sharesInAccount1  sharesInAccout2  pricePerShare


java   SharePrice  11   87   43.6
class SharePrice {
    static public void main (String[] args) {
        Holding account1 = new Holding(Double.parseDouble(args[0]));
        Holding account2 = new Holding(Double.parseDouble(args[1]));

        Holding.setPrice (Double.parseDouble(args[2]));

        System.out.println("Account 1 is worth " + account1.value());
        System.out.println("Account 2 is worth " + account2.value());
  • 错误代码

class Holding {
    private static double price;
    private static double amount; //因为不同的变量有不同的amount,不能static

    public Holding(double amount1){
        this.amount = amount1; // 传值到instance,对的
    public static void setPrice(double price1){
        Holding.price = price1;
  	// 这里不能用static,原因如下图。
    // 如果为了调用amount把amount改成static则不符合逻辑
    // 如果创建新的object不好赋值
    public static double value(){ 
     	// Holding holding = new Holding(1);
        return price * Holding.amount;


  • 正确代码

class Holding {
    private double amount;
    private static double price;

    public Holding (double amount){
        this.amount = amount;

    public static void setPrice(double price){
        Holding.price = price;

    public double value(){
        return amount * price;


  • Static methods: Can be called without an object.

  • Static variables: Shared by all objects of this class.

  • Math Class

    • Math class provides many static methods related to (you guessed it) mathematics.

    • It is in java.lang which is imported by default, and so you do not need an import statement.

    • All of its elements are static, and so you will never need to create an object of class Math.

    • It has two constants

      • Math.E (the base of the natural logarithms, = Math.exp(1.0))

      • Math.PI (π=3.14159265…)

      area = Math.PI * radius * radius;

  • image-20210825205844348

  • image-20210825205900146

  • image-20210825205908423

  • image-20210825205917601

封装类 - Wrapper Class#

Variables of primitive types are not Java objects. That is, they are not of a class derived from class Object.

That means we cannot have, for example, a java List of integers, because the List class can only have lists of Object elements.

However, java provides classes that behave like the primitive types:

# 类似primitives的类们

boolean -> Boolean
byte    -> Byte
short   -> Short
long    -> Long
float   -> Float
double  -> Double
char -> Character
int  -> Integer


The process of going from a value of a primitive type to an object of its wrapper class

  • To convert a primitive value to an “equivalent” class type value, create an object of the corresponding wrapper class using the primitive value as an argument

    要将一个基元值转换为一个 “等价 “的类类型值,请使用基元值作为参数创建一个相应封装类的对象

  • The new object will contain an instance variable that stores a copy of the primitive value


  • Unlike most other classes, a wrapper class does not have a no-argument constructor


    Integer integerObject = new Integer(42);


The process of going from an object of a wrapper class to the corresponding value of a primitive type. None of these methods take an argument


Automatic boxing and unboxing#

Integer integerObject = 42;
int i = integerObject;

Static Method - String 转换#

Integer.parseInt ()
Long.parseLong ()
Float.parseFloat ()
Double.parseDouble ()

Double.toString(123.99); returns the string value “123.99”

Case sensitive#

public static char toUpperCase(char argument)
public static char toLowerCase(char argument)


public static boolean isUpperCase(char argument)
public static boolean isLowerCase(char argument)

only return true for Roman letters (a-z,A-Z, and accented versions) and Greek letters. They both return false for characters from alphabets that do not have upper and lower case.

public static boolean isWhitespace(char argument) // Whitespace (space, tab \t, new line \n)
public static boolean isLetter(char argument)     // A letter a-z, A-Z, accented chars
public static boolean isDigit(char argument)
public static boolean isLetterOrDigit(char argument)
  • isLetter returns true for unicode letters from other languages, such as Hindi and Chinese. Combining this with testing for both isUpperCase and isLowerCase allows you to distinguish between Roman/Greek letters and other scripts.

  • isDigit returns true for characters like ๓ that are only digits but not letters, but not for Chinese digits like ‘二’ that are also classed as “letter”, nor for decorated digits like ➀.

E.g. 首字母大写的句子

import java.util.Scanner;

Illustrate the use of a static method from the class Character.

public class StringProcessor {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Enter a one-line sentence:");
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        String sentence = keyboard.nextLine();
		sentence = sentence.toLowerCase();
		char firstCharacter = sentence.charAt(0);
		sentence = Character.toUpperCase(firstCharacter) + sentence.substring(1);

        System.out.println("The revised sentence is:");

Quiz14 - your own extension to StringProcessor

  1. Modify the code to add a “.” at the end of the sentence if it ends with a letter or a digit. You can find the length of a string using the length() method.

  2. Print “This sentence contains a number” (once only) if any of the characters is a digit.

  3. Advanced: Style guides recommend spelling out the integers 0-9. Replace any 1-digit number by the text form of it. For example “1” -> “one”, “0”->”zero”. But leave two-digit numbers unchanged.

引用 - Reference and class parameters#


  • Secondary memory (typically a hard disk, or flash drive like SSD) is used to hold files for “permanent” storage

  • Main memory (a.k.a. Primary memory, typically RAM) is used by a computer when it is running a program.

    • Values stored in a program's variables are kept in main memory.

  • “Virtual memory” allows the operating system allows some data from “main memory” to be stored on the hard drive instead of in RAM. That is the reason we talk about main and secondary memory, instead of hard drive and RAM. Main memory includes RAM plus virtual memory “swap space”.

Main Memory#

Main memory consists of a long list of numbered locations, each of which stores a byte (an integer from 0 to 255)


A byte contains eight b*inary digits*, called bits, that can each be either 0 or 1.


Each byte location in memory has an address, which is an integer that identifies the location. On a 64-bit machine, it is typically a 64-bit number.

内存中的每个字节位置都有一个address,它是一个整数,用于识别该位置。 在64位机器上,它通常是一个64位数字。

A data item is stored in one or (typically) more of these bytes.


The address of the (first) byte of the data item is used to find the data item when it is needed, either to check its value or to write a new one.




1 Byte = 8 bits

1 kiB = 2^10 = 1024 bytes. 1 kB = 10^3 bytes

1 MiB = 2^20 bytes. 1 MB = 10^6 bytes

1 GiB = 2^30 bytes. 1 GB = 10^9 bytes

2^32B = 4 x 2^30 = 4 GiB

2^64B = 16 x 2^60 ~ 16,000,000,000 GiB. To paraphrase Bill Gates, that should be enough for anyone.


Every variable is stored in a location in computer memory.


  • When the variable is a primitive type (int, double etc.), the value of the variable is stored directly in the memory location assigned to the variable. This is possible because each value of a primitive type always requires the same amount of memory to store its values.

    当变量是原始类型(int、double等)时,变量的值直接存储在分配给该变量的内存位置。 这是有可能的,因为原始类型的每个值总是需要相同数量的内存来存储其值。

  • When the variable is a class type, only the memory address (or reference) of where the object is located is stored at the memory location assigned to the variable. (Note: two different locations are involved.)

    当变量是一个类类型时,只有对象所在的内存地址(或引用)被存储在分配给变量的内存位置。 (注意:涉及两个不同的位置)。

For classes:

  • The object named by the variable is stored in some other location in memory, not the location assigned to the variable.


  • Like primitives, the value of a class variable (i.e., the reference) is a fixed size


  • Unlike primitives, the value of a class variable is a memory address or reference


  • The object whose address is stored in the variable can be of variable size.


Because a class variable only holds a reference to the object, two class variables can contain the same reference, and therefor name the same object.


The assignment operator sets the reference (memory address) of one class type variable equal to that of another.


–> Any change to the object named by one of these variables will produce a change to the object named by the other variable, since they are the same object.

–> 对这些变量之一命名的对象的任何改变都会对另一个变量命名的对象产生改变,因为它们是同一个对象。

逐值调用 Call - by - Value & 逐一调用 Call - by - Reference

int myFunction (int arg) {
    arg = arg + 1;
    return arg;

int a = 1;
int b = myFunction(a);

a 不会受到影响

In a call-by-reference function call, arg would actually stand for a during the function call – arg would be a reference to the location where a is stored, and so after the function call, a == 2.

Technically, all Java methods are call-by-value. A parameter is a local variable that is set equal to the value of its argument. Therefore, any change to the value of the parameter cannot change the value of its argument.

从技术上讲,所有的Java方法都是按值调用的。 一个参数是一个局部变量,它被设置为等于其参数的值。 因此,对参数值的任何改变都不能改变其参数的值。

However, since class variables are actually references to objects, they behave very similarly to call-by-reference parameters. In particular, the function call can change the value of the object that the parameter refers to, even though it cannot change the parameter itself (i.e., can’t make it refer to a different object).

然而,由于类变量实际上是对对象的引用,它们的行为与逐值调用参数非常相似。 特别是,函数调用可以改变参数所指向的对象的值,尽管它不能改变参数本身(即不能使它指向不同的对象)。

E.g. 2 - Call - by - reference

class Main {
    int value;
    Main () {
        value = 0;

    static Main tryIncrement1 (Main m) {
        return m;

    static Main tryIncrement2 (Main m) {
        Main n = new Main ();
        n.value = m.value + 1;
        m = n;
        return m;

    public static void main (String[] arg) {
        Main m = new Main ();
        Main n = new Main ();
        /* Uncomment one of the following lines */

        // n = tryIncrement1 (m);
        // n = tryIncrement2 (m);
        // m = tryIncrement1 (m);
        // m = tryIncrement2 (m);

        System.out.println ("Values are " + m.value + " " + n.value);
Values are 0 0

The value plugged into a class type parameter is a reference (memory address)


  • Therefore, the parameter becomes another name for the argument


  • Any change made to the object named by the parameter (i.e., changes made to the values of its instance variables) will be made to the object named by the argument, because they are the same object


  • Note that, because it still is a call-by-value parameter, any change made to the class type parameter itself (i.e., its address) will not change its argument (the reference or memory address)


The value of the object named by the argument can be updated but the argument itself will not be changed.






= and ==#

  • Assignment (=) causes two variables to be names for the same object; it does not create a copy. Changing the instance variables of the object referred to by one variable will cause cause changes in the object referred to by the other variable, because it is the same object.

  • Testing for equality (==) only checks that two variables of a class type refer to the same object. If they refer to two objects with the same instance variables, it will return false. To test for equality, use the member method equals().

空值 - Null#

null is a special constant that may be assigned to a variable of any class

  • e.g., YourClass  yourObject = null;

It indicates that your variable does not currently refer to any object at all.

It is often used in constructors to initialize class type instance variables when there is no obvious object to use yet. If a variable of a class type is not initialized, it will default to being null.

null is not an object. It is a placeholder that doesn’t refer to anywhere in memory

To test if a variable is null, use == or != (instead of equals() ). We are testing whether or not the variable refers to something, not testing its value.

  • e.g. if (myObject == null)

Because null doesn’t refer to an object, it is meaningless to refer to its instance variables. Because non-static member functions are allowed to refer to their instance variables, we are also not allowed to call them on a null variable.

Accessing a non-static member through a null variable will result in a “Null Pointer Exception” error message.

运算符和匿名对象 - The new operator and anonymous objects

The new operator invokes a constructor which initializes an object, and returns a reference to the location in memory of the object created

  • This reference can be assigned to a variable of the object’s class type

  • Sometimes the object created is used as an argument to a method, and never used again

  • In this case, the object need not be assigned to a variable, i.e., given a name

An object whose reference is not assigned to a variable is called an anonymous object

    ToyClass variable1 =  new ToyClass(“Joe”, 42);
    if (variable1.equals (new ToyClass(“JOE”, 42)))

Using and misusing references#

When writing a program, it is very important to ensure that private instance variables remain truly private

For a primitive type instance variable, just adding the private modifier to its declaration should insure that there will be no privacy leaks

For a class type instance variable, however, adding the private modifier alone is not sufficient


In order to exist, a person must have (at least) a name and a birth date. Therefore, makes sense not to have a no-argument Person class constructor.


  • A person who is still alive does not yet have a date of death. Therefore, the Person class constructor will need to be able to deal with a null value for date of death


  • A person who has died must have had a birth date that preceded his or her date of death. Therefore, when both dates are provided, they will need to be checked for consistency


public Person(String initialName, Date birthDate, Date deathDate)
    if (consistent(birthDate, deathDate))
        name = initialName;
        born = new Date(birthDate);
        if (deathDate == null)
            died = null;
            died = new Date(deathDate);
        System.out.println("Inconsistent dates.");

类不变量 - class invariant

A statement that is always true for every object of the class is called a class invariant. A class invariant can help to define a class in a consistent and organized way.

一个对类的每个对象都是真实的声明被称为类的不变量。 类不变量可以帮助以一种一致和有组织的方式定义一个类

For the Person class, the following should always be true: An object of the class Person has a date of birth (which is not null), and if the object has a date of death, then the date of death is equal to or later than the date of birth


Checking the Person class confirms that this is true of every object created by a constructor, and all the other methods (e.g., the private method consistent) preserve the truth of this statement.


Class invariant: A Person always has a date of birth,
and if the Person has a date of death, then the date of
death is equal to or later than the date of birth.
To be consistent, birthDate must not be null. If there
is no date of death (deathDate == null), that is
consistent with any birthDate. Otherwise, the birthDate
must come before or be equal to the deathDate.
private static boolean consistent(Date birthDate, Date deathDate)
    if (birthDate == null) return false;
    else if (deathDate == null) return true;
    else return (birthDate.precedes(deathDate) ||

Methods equals and datesMatch#

The definition of equals for the class Person includes an invocation of equals for the class String, and an invocation of the method equals for the class Date


Java determines which equals method is being invoked from the type of its calling object


Also note that the died instance variables are compared using the datesMatch method instead of the equals method, since their values may be null


public boolean equals(Person otherPerson)
    if (otherPerson == null)
        return false;
        return (name.equals( &&
                born.equals(otherPerson.born) &&
                // datesMatch 用来比较这里的日期
                datesMatch(died, otherPerson.died));


To match date1 and date2 must either be the
same date or both be null.
private static boolean datesMatch(Date date1, Date date2)
    if (date1 == null)
        return (date2 == null);
    else if (date2 == null) //&& date1 != null
        return false;
    else // both dates are not null.

复制构造函数 - Copy constructors#

A copy constructor is a constructor with a single argument of the same type as the class.

The copy constructor should create an object that is a separate, independent object, but with the instance variables set so that it is an exact copy of the argument object.


Note how, in the Date copy constructor, the values of all of the primitive type private instance variables are merely copied.

请注意,在 Date 复制构造函数中,所有原始类型的私有实例变量的值都只是被复制。

public Date(Date aDate) //constructor - chapter 4
    if (aDate == null) //Not a real date.
        System.out.println("Fatal Error.");
    month = aDate.month;
    day =;
    year = aDate.year;

或者 e.g.2 a completely new and independent copy of the original Person object

born = original.born //dangerous
died = original.died //dangerous
born = new Date(original.born); //safe


Privacy leaks - 隐私泄露#

public Date getBirthDate()
    return born; //dangerous

public Date getBirthDate()
    return new Date(born); //correct

可变与不可变类 - Mutable and immutable classes#


public String getName()
return name; //Isn't this dangerous?

Although it appears the same as some of the previous examples, it is not: The class String contains no mutator methods that can change any of the data in a String object.


A class that contains no methods (other than constructors) that change any of the data in an object of the class is called an immutable class.


Objects of such a class are called immutable objects.


It is perfectly safe to return a reference to an immutable object because the object cannot be changed in any way.


The String class is an immutable class.


A class that contains public mutator methods or other public methods that can change the data in its objects is called a mutable class, and its objects are called mutable objects.


Never write a method that returns a mutable instance variable. Instead, use a copy constructor to return a reference to a completely independent copy of the mutable object

永远不要写一个返回可变实例变量的方法。 相反,使用一个拷贝构造函数来返回一个完全独立的可变型对象的拷贝的引用

深度复制与浅度复制 - Deep copy vs Shallow copy#

A deep copy of an object is a copy that, with one exception, has no references in common with the original. The exception is that references to immutable objects are allowed to be shared.

一个对象的深度拷贝是一个副本,除了一个例外,它与原对象没有共同的引用。 这个例外是,对不可变对象的引用允许被共享。

Any copy that is not a deep copy is called a shallow copy. This type of copy can cause dangerous privacy leaks in a program.


Advanced: If they are used carefully then shallow copies can be more efficient than performing deep copies of large objects. Best practice is to start making a deep copy, and then once your code is working, you have a thorough test suite and you are optimizing the code, carefully consider using shallow copies in a few limited places for efficiency.

如果谨慎使用,那么浅层拷贝可以比对大型对象进行深度拷贝更有效率。 最好的做法是开始进行深度拷贝,然后一旦你的代码正常工作,你有一个彻底的测试套件,你正在优化代码,仔细考虑在一些有限的地方使用浅层拷贝以提高效率。